• Central Laser Facility (CLF)

    Central Laser Facility (CLF)

    CLF is one of the world’s leading laser facilities, capable of recreating the conditions inside stars. It can be used to study biochemical and biophysical processes that form the basis of life itself.

  • Diamond Light Source

    Diamond Light Source

    The UK’s synchrotron works like a giant microscope, harnessing the power of electrons to produce bright light that scientists can use to study anything from fossils to viruses and vaccines.

  • Extreme Photonics Applications Centre (EPAC)

    Extreme Photonics Applications Centre (EPAC)

    The Extreme Photonics Applications Centre (EPAC) will drive plasma-based accelerators using lasers, producing advanced X-ray sources for imaging in industrial, biological and defence and security environments – providing a boost to UK innovation.



    ESA’s European satellite and space telecommunications centre (ECSAT) is the UK’s gateway to space.

  • The Faraday Institution

    The Faraday Institution

    As a world-leader in electrochemical energy storage, The Faraday Institution is making the batteries of today safer, more powerful, sustainable and energy-efficient, and developing next-generation batteries for a cleaner tomorrow.

  • ISIS Neutron & Muon Source

    ISIS Neutron & Muon Source

    Part of the global scientific infrastructure, ISIS enables scientists from academia and industry to study materials at the atomic level.

  • Mary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell

    Mary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell

    Helping the scientific community to better understand, diagnose and treat human diseases and degenerative conditions.

  • Nucleic Acid Therapy Accelerator (NATA)

    Nucleic Acid Therapy Accelerator (NATA)

    Nucleic acid therapeutics have world-changing potential for treating diseases.

  • National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC)

    National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC)

    Quantum computing has the potential to change our world by solving intractable problems that are beyond even today’s supercomputers. The National Quantum Computing Centre will ensure the UK is at the forefront of quantum innovation.

  • Research Complex at Harwell

    Research Complex at Harwell

    A national resource for research in life and physical sciences, delivering scientific excellence across structural and molecular biology, catalysis, energy materials, correlative imaging & advanced manufacturing.

  • RAL Space

    RAL Space

    RAL Space carry out space research and technology development and offer unique facilities to help advance understanding of space and our environment.

  • The Rosalind Franklin Institute (RFI)

    The Rosalind Franklin Institute (RFI)

    The RFI is dedicated to developing tomorrow’s life science innovations through technology development and needle-point research.

  • Satellite Applications Catapult (SAC)

    Satellite Applications Catapult (SAC)

    At the forefront of the satellite services revolution, accelerating innovation in space applications for real-world impact.

  • The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

    The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

    The agency is at the front line in protecting the nation from infectious diseases and future threats to public health.

  • Uncovering ancient text from the Oxford Herculaneum scroll

    Uncovering ancient text from the Oxford Herculaneum scroll

    Diamond Light Source at Harwell has played a crucial role in deciphering the text of an ancient artefact previously buried by a volcanic eruption. Diamond’s powerful light enabled a team from the nearby Bodleian Libraries to scan a 2,000-year-old Herculaneum scroll. The scroll, one of three thousand at the libraries, was studied on the I12…

  • Two national facilities are better than one

    Two national facilities are better than one

    A collaborative effort between ISIS Neutron and Muon Source and Diamond Light Source (two national facilities at Harwell Campus) have achieved a research first after the two facilities ran an experiment simultaneously using a joint AI platform. ​​A robotic sample preparation platform, driven by artificial intelligence (AI), was used to undertake simultaneous experiments at both ISIS…

  • Baroness Poppy Gustafsson visits Harwell Campus

    Baroness Poppy Gustafsson visits Harwell Campus

    Earlier this week we had the honour of hosting Baroness Poppy Gustafsson, Minister of State for Investment along with her team at Harwell Campus. The Minister was met by members of the joint venture including Dr Barbara Ghinelli, Director, Innovation Clusters and Harwell Campus, UKRI-STFC, Dave Newbold Executive Director of National Facilities, Dan Pagella, Director…